Monday, June 16, 2008



I was hoping to have the time and opportunity to share about my dads yesterday, but it just didn't happen. However, this has no less meaning...even though it is Monday. I have been so blessed to have the wonderful fathers that the Lord has put in my life. My dad in Washington is my hero in so many ways. He is just such a loving, jolly, friendly person. He has always had a good sense of humor...while knowing when to be serious. My dad truly showed us how to love others, because he has lived it in his life. He worked so hard for 40 years in order to provide for our family and so that we could enjoy our weekends and vacation times together. I am so grateful for those times. When he retired, he said..."I don't know why I decided to retire, I am busier now that when I was working!" -- which was true for awhile, but he has slowed down a bit since. I have enjoyed the times that we have golfed and fished together. These were truly important times in my life. I am really looking forward to visiting with my dad and mom in a few weeks. Kim's dad, Paw Paw John has been my dad for 20 years now...and he has been equally wonderful. He has shown the grace and love of the Lord to me and to our family over and over again and I am so grateful. When we have found ourselves to be in difficulty, he has been a safe place for us...and we are grateful. Paw Paw also has a wonderful sense of humor and we have shared many good laughs together. I am so grateful for dads that I have been able to laugh with because, besides their love, I am not certain that there is a greater gift that they could share with me or our family. I am grateful for the meals that Paw Paw and I have cooked together and for the trips to Chinese, Chili's and BBQ that we have made and shared in together -- truly memorable. I preached a Father's Day message yesterday and talked about dads being that safe place for their families, just as our heavenly Father is our safe place and security in an insecure world. I am thankful that both of my dads have been this for our family. God's blessings,


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