Chaffart offers this – “I would have loved to have been there, to have seen
those 3000 people coming to the Lord as a result of one sermon, to have
witnessed the miracles that resulted, and how the church of Jesus Christ grew
in leaps and bounds. I'm sure there are many important reasons why the early
church grew so rapidly, vital things like faith and love and prayer, and it
could be argued that our churches today lack all three of these things. But I
would like to suggest there might be something more. Let's consider for a
moment how the earliest believers spent their time between the Resurrection and
Pentecost: "These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication
. . ." (Acts 1:14 NKJV). The key operative here is "one accord".
These believers were in unity with one another! We are also told these early
believers sold their belongings and pooled their resources, and it wasn't
uncommon for them to spend hours, even days in prayer together (Acts 4:23-31,
Acts 12, etc.). But is unity really what made the difference? In John 17 alone,
Jesus asks the Father that we would be "One". Not once. Not twice.
But FIVE times!” (17:11, 20, 21, 22, 23). I say that this is significant. What seems to be the most important matter to
the Lord…so much so that it would be the very last thing that Jesus would share
with His disciples? It is this principle of unity…even though there can, and
even necessarily should, be diversity. I
have preached on this subject from Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4…it
is important to keep it in front of us. And not only this, but to explore what
Jesus’ statement means and how it is that we should interpret it. So, we move forward…
this final portion of His High Priestly prayer (John 17:20-26), Jesus focuses
His disciples’ attention on the future…and even more particularly, on His
disciples in the future – that would be us. He has already prayed for the
security and sanctity of His disciples, and now He prays for unity. The
disciples often exhibited a spirit of selfishness, competition and disunity.
This had to sadden the Lord on many occasions. He is genuinely concerned that
His people experience a spiritual unity that is like the Oneness of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christians belong to the Lord and to each other. What
is the basis for Christian unity? It is not based upon externals and other man
made dogmas or philosophies…these, rather, create discord and division. John
reveals that unity is in and through the person and work of Jesus Christ and
His glory (17:2ff). Paul teaches that unity is of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:1ff),
and the result of believers’ commonness in seven principles -- body, Spirit,
hope, Lord, faith, baptism and God the Father. So, it is indeed not is internal.
we grow in the Lord, His glory begins to grow and to reveal itself in what we
say, as well as the way that we say it and do it…we live to exemplify, glorify
Jesus in our lives by loving one another and others to the glory of God. Jesus
assures us that some people will believe in Him as the result of our faithful
witness (v.20). What Jesus makes very clear is that one of the things that
impresses some people is the way that Christians love each other and live
together in harmony. Why is it
important? “That the world will believe that His Father sent Him.” The converse
is also true. Some believers operate as critics
and judges instead of faithful witnesses, and this complicates matters
significantly for the Lord and His body. If we do not love one another and
promote “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace,” then we will turn off
those who are seeking the Lord. Nevertheless, we belong to the same Father, and
seek to do the same work…witnessing to the lost world that Jesus saves us from
our sins. This is the message. And one
day, all who believe are one day going to enjoy the same heaven.
offer a poignant illustration from our past to help us understand our present
(and future). Back in early 1800's there was a preacher in Western Pennsylvania
named Thomas Campbell. He was a preacher for the Old-light, Anti-burger,
Seceder Presbyterian Church. Each of those phrases described a political
division within the Presbyterian Church of that day. Thus, the Presbyterians
were divided over many things, and each group sought to maintain the purity of
their positions. So they opted for "closed communion" to make sure
that only those who clung to their standards could take communion at their
churches. In the Presbyterian churches of that time, it worked like this: the
Lord's Supper was taken once every month or so... but on the Saturday night
before Communion Sunday members were required to come in and answer a series of
questions. If they answered the questions correctly they received a
"Communion coin" and the next day they would drop their coin in the
box and partake. This didn't sit very well with Campbell -- who believed that
the Lord's Supper belonged to Christ rather than to him - and on at least one
occasion he opened the Communion table to all who belonged to Christ. Word got
back to denominational headquarters and they sacked him. He was branded a
heretic and eventually left that group. About that same time, Thomas's son,
Alexander, was shipwrecked on his way over from Scotland. He stayed in Scotland
another year, and while he was there attended worship services at a
Presbyterian congregation in the neighborhood. On Communion Saturday night he
dutifully went in to answer the questions required of him for the coin...and
was shocked to find that the questions were different than he was accustomed
to. However, being well versed in Scripture and the obligatory thinking, he was
able to answer the questions correctly and received his coin. The next day he
walked in, put his coin in the box and walked away without taking of the Lord's
Supper. When Father and Son got back together they both had come to the
conclusion that the church had way too many HUMAN rules and regulations.
Christians were being segregated from God (at the communion table) and from
other Christians because each denomination insisted on clinging to their own
distinctive denominational names, creeds and practices. They were soon joined by Methodist and
Baptist groups who were struggling with their own denominations' teachings.
They were tired of all the divisiveness and they just wanted to be "Christians
Only." What these people were upset about was the tendency of churches to
change the rules…to change the oil in the machine of the faith once delivered
to the saints. They began to believe they needed to do was go back and "restore"
-- as best they could -- the concept of a New Testament Church and to only
practice and believe what that first group of believers held to. Because they
were attempting to "restore" what the early church did, they began to
refer to themselves as a "restoration movement" (from which the
churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ and Christian Church were “born”). From
a sermon by Jeff Strite, Restoration! (5/9/2011)
a story found in Mark’s gospel, when the apostle John has a concern that some
“other believers” are casting out demons in Jesus name, Jesus says this -- "Do
not stop him…for the one who is not against us is for us. For truly, I say to
you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ
will by no means lose his reward." (Excerpted from Mark 9:39-41) It is critical
that there be truth and love in the church, but this must be found, discerned
and practiced in the right matters, and the right ways in order for genuine
unity to work. What many in our fellowship (as well as in other fellowships)
have been taught, including myself, has been a “truth” not founded on
Scripture, but according to human reasoning. Thomas and Alexander Campbell
recognized this for what it was and wanted a “fresh start.” I once believed
that we could have unity as long as we all believed the same precise teachings.
I believed, “As long as people have the doctrine of the churches of Christ,
then they can be Christians and I can accept them and fellowship with them.” But,
this is not a New Testament or biblical concept…it is a humanistic concept
called – uniformity. It is what the
Campbells wanted to break away from, and what our fellowship became and represented, in many
respects, after another 40 years or so had passed by the turn of the 20th
believe much the same truth that genuinely matters as believers in other
tribes. First and foremost, we should live as Jesus commanded: “ ‘Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This
is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these
two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40) I can already hear the “Yeahbuts” coming,
but when we break through our “shibboleths,” many believers (most that I have
known) have experienced a conversion similar, if not exact, to what is
practiced in our fellowship…contrary to the negative propaganda and
fear-mongering of certain folks. They love Jesus…they are sorry for their sins…they are immersed...and they receive the Holy Spirit. We do have certain doctrines in common with all people,
which are seen in the Ephesians 4 passage. As we have seen, believers do have
some differences of traditions and opinions, but we have much more in common in
the big picture – as Paul says, we have the same Holy Spirit who unites us. Paul
teaches there, as well as in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, 14 that believers
may have varying gifts, processes and beliefs, but that believers are united in
Christ through His Spirit. If we can get past our own prejudices and
incomplete, in not inaccurate, understandings concerning uniformity and unity, then
we can truly build up the Kingdom of God to the glory of God, and people will
not be turned off, but turned on to what Jesus is doing in our lives.
Oh that we would realize that we don't hold corner on the truth! We must always realize that it is not our understanding or memorization of scripture that saves us but it is scrtipture that points us to the One whose blood saves us! Jerry
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