Thursday, June 14, 2007

Space Clouds


I have this article on my bulletin board that regularly reminds me that God is not only in control, but that he has a sense of humor. The article "Space Clouds Puzzle Scientists" is the result of some images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The article is as follows, "The Hubble Space Telescope is presenting astrophysicists with a tantalizing puzzle -- the existence of hydrogen clouds in space that should have dissipated billions of years ago. The Hubble spotted the clouds between Earth and the nearest quasar (a bright and distant active core of a young galaxy) about four or five months ago. Until then, scientists were comfortable with the theory that hydrogen clouds resulted from the Big Bang that created the universe 15 billion years ago -- that they slowly formed into galaxies, stars and planets over the next few billion years. The scientist were in for a further shock. Not only were the clouds there, but their density was more or less the same as it would have been 10 to 12 billion light years ago."

Facinating. There are a lot of good scientists out there who believe in God; for those that do not, it is funny when He throws them a curve ball. I praise God for these little reminders that He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and not man or circumstance.


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