I posted this message once, but now it has some new meaning for me. I frequently think about Jesus' profound statement concerning faith -- "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains (Matthew 17:20)" It would appear that this does not require very much faith, since a mustard seed is pretty small. Remember that this saying was Jesus' response to His disciples for not being able to cast out a demon -- they had (very) little faith, it would appear. Wow! If all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains, what does it say about how "big", rather, "small" was their faith? Would it be as big as an atom?I like to say, jokingly, that "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed and a backhoe, you could move a mountain." It really is a bad joke, not just because of the joke -- but isn't this the root of the problem with many of us Christians? We tend to think that we can make everything happen on our own. We like to be self-sufficient -- "I can handle it." This is the American way! Why should I need to live by faith, when I have everything I could ever want or need in these good old United States. Aren't we missing something here? (An eternal perspective, perhaps?) Daily Bible study? I know I need it, but I have too many things going on. Come to the building for Bible Study? You have got to be kidding! Not when I already have the Bible figured out! Not when these people are not like me! Not when I do not even like some of them! Not when we have work, play, school, sports, agriculture, rest, computer, books, more work, etc.This is the most difficult part of this little equation isn't it? The application -- What about us? While we Christians play "king of the mole hill" as it pertains to arguings, maneuverings, gripings, judgings, grudgings, busyness -- there are scores of people in the church and out of the church who need to see Jesus living in us, and it may or may not be happening. We need to be able to move mountains! This can only happen through genuine faith. Are we willing to exercise the humility and the submission to get there? Lord, please help my faith! I want to be able to move mountains, and I know that it can only happen with your help and guidance? Lord, help us all to take ourselves off of the mountain (mole hill) top and elevate you back to your rightful place where you belong! Help us to humble ourselves and get back to studying the Bible (individually and collectively). Help us to pray! Help us to fellowship! Father, help our faith; help us not to be satisfied with "atom-sized faith". Father, help it to be as big as a mustard seed -- and even bigger! We need you and we need each other if we are going to make a difference. Burn the apathy and the indifference out of our spirits and souls. Help us to care! Renew our hearts! Renew our spirits. "Create in me a clean heart, O God... and renew a right spirit within me!" Help us to yearn, to long, to desire -- to hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)!Jesus said to her, "woman believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father...but an hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshippers." (John 4:21, 23). Are you willing to be a true worshipper?
Happy 20th Friend!
Here's to 20 more years of moving mountains together with God's help.
I love you!
Hope your special day held many wonderous moments to take out and enjoy until Anniversary 21!
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