Wednesday, April 30, 2008



What a wonderful concept to consider. This is sense of fulfillment that comes at the end of an accomplishment...and it cannot be fully realized (in my opinion) unless you are in the it then becomes "spiritual satisfaction" which we call "JOY". The Rolling Stones know nothing of "this satisfaction" (and I can guarantee you that they will never be referenced on this blog again! :-) I am just going to take some time to say..."thank you, Lord." Our family is ever so grateful to be a part of this community in general and the CTCC family in is the most spiritual fulfillment that we have had in quite awhile. Our end of the year soccer party last evening was so great, it is hard to put it into words. These soccer families are simply amazing...and as I told them, by and large, the best overall team group of soccer families with which we have ever been associated. They are all spiritual people and it just made for a great evening. We talked about the Lord together with many of them. We all honored one another and most decided (some will do football) that we wanted to do this again in the Fall, which is great. I would love to continue to be associated with these people. We have all "been on the run" together throughout the whole soccer year and we had all become acquainted with each other (and some had known each other through other community activities), but last evening was a grand opportunity really to get to know each other...and it was just -- great. Kim said, we should do this sort of thing at the beginning of the season so that we can really understand what great people that we are dealing with and build relationships earlier on...which was well said. At the end of the party one of our CTCC families came up to visit, as they had been in the park as well. We could say the exact same thing about the great families that we are associated with at CTCC. We love our Sundays (and Wednesdays :-) here...very fulfilling. We have had some wonderful opportunities for fellowship and we just love this group of people. I also had the grand opportunity to spend some time chasing the little white ball yesterday with some friends, which was also great. The more time that we get together with our Christian family, the better our relationships...and to bring it all back around to -- what great JOY. After experiencing "the peace of God that passes all understanding" for some time, which is wonderful in its own way, it is certainly a refreshing blessing to be on the other end with some joy. Here's hoping that you also have a joyful week. Take care,


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