Monday, August 24, 2009

Surviving August


This (surviving August) is not just talking about the weather in is about Texas weathering August -- their pitching staff, that is. I have mentioned here, there or somewhere, that the true test of whether the MLB Texas Rangers will be in the playoff hunt through the summer and to the end of September, is if their pitching staff would hold up. In years past...conditioning, whether physical, mental -- or both -- has come back to haunt them. With Nolan whipping the Rangers' pitchers into shape, it seems to have made a difference...not only are they holding their own through the dog days of the Texas summer, but they have been excelling. Scott Feldman, Derek Holland and Tommy Hunter, among others, have all pitched impressively this summer. Here's hoping that they can stay strong through the last month of the season...that they can overtake the Red Sox...and be the Wild Card for the playoffs. Playoffs? Did somebody say, playoffs? (Sorry, Jim Mora Sr. :-). Blessings,


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