Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly -- 2009 NFL Week 5


Week 5 Update...this week we are going to mix it up again and add the adjective "very," as I have never seen such a disparity between good and bad teams five weeks into a season.

The Very Good: Colts (Going beyond the borders...this Collie has some bark and bite); Broncos (Doing it with the NFL's best "D" to this point...and for all of the naysayers out there -- Orton's not too bad either :-); Saints (Retooling over the bye for the G-men); Speaking of...Giants (Toying with Al's Franken-stein); Vikings (Nothing like the Lambs on the schedule to keep the win streak alive); Bengals (No "C" squad here...Carson, Chad, Cedric, Caldwell and Co. appear to be for real); Eagles (And now we know why they drafted Maclin); Bears (How's that QB trade working for ya?); Miles Austin (It's about time the Cowboys found their new #1); Seahawks (At least for this week, they looked like world beaters).

The Not All-That-Bad: Chefs (Cassel plays like a #1 for once and KC gives 'boys a scare); Lions (Hanging with the champs); J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets (Couldn't stop the Wildcat, but "O" showed signs of life); Panthers (At least break into the "W" column, but still need lotso help)

The Very Ugly: Brownies 6 - Bill-ys Goats 3 (As very ugly as it gets. Say it ain't so DA...2 for 17 in the passing dept? This even makes JaMarcus look great. Say Trent...How's T.O workin' out for ya?); Speaking of...JaMarcus Russell and the Commitment to HAHA Excellence Team (Blocking dummies for the Giants); 49ers (Whoa...did someone get the license of th-atlanta truck); Jaguars (Did y'all even practice for this week?); Titans (We want Vince! We want Vince!); Lambs (Continue to bleat themselves).

The Welcome-To-The-Big-Time Award -- Miles Austin

Super Bowl: Vikings vs. Colts
Stupor (Championship): Brownies vs. Bill-ys Goats

Blessings, Don

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